Culture Odyssey have created a global network for active and virtual travellers to interact with each other and build a global culture. When you sign up to the site you the user are what make this community grow, and you do this by posting inspiring images and ideas, or places that you’ve been that you want to tell everyone about.
The online community is built up by users writing about anything of national or global cultural interest; from hidden gems in Canada, to hurling in Ireland, to the Pakistani street artist JR’s InsideOut project. Not only can the individual traveller contribute their secrets and experiences to the website, but local businesses can promote their services as well. The interactivity between these businesses and the individual traveller helps stimulate the national and local economies by getting users involved.
Where this has been successful is because it is all made by the website user for each other’s benefit. It is free of political bias and gives readers an opportunity to consider places they haven’t thought of before, and with the help of small businesses they can see parts of the community that they wouldn’t see on a normal holiday.
The community is underpinned by a common goal: to strive for sustainability that will benefit the environment. The network provides a place for likeminded individuals and companies to show how they are helping the environment in their own way, to inspire other people to do the same. Innovative ideas are shared which highlights the businesses that are doing everything they can to benefit the environment, and encourages individuals to seek out these responsible companies while they are travelling.