Phil Pauley Blog

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Project your message in style!!

A large part of marketing for any company is communication.  This can be communication of benefits, USP, brand values and attributes, promotional messages, communication within the company and with all stakeholders, and communication outside with customers, suppliers, associates, and affiliates and re-sellers.

One of the key elements of successful communication is that the receiver of the message truly understands as much of that message as possible. The differentiating factors in business which are the source of a company’s competitive edge are often of no real worth unless they are effectively communicated to the target audience.

All objects in the real world exist in 3D and human perception is optimised to make the best sense of information when this extra dimension is present, and yet many companies are still subject to the limitations of 2 Dimensions in their communications.  Web sites, sales and product presentations, training materials and videos, demos and show reels not only need to impart valuable information but also need to grab and hold attention, be fully understood, and to be memorised and recalled. 

These communication routes often rely on text, audio and a series of essentially 2D images. Although programs such as Power Point allow the incorporation of a variety of communicative tools which can condense and simplify data and information to an extent e.g. graphs, charts and diagrams, there are many limitations and situations where these tools are not enough.

The case for 3D                                                        

3D technology is such that it is often only really limited by imagination......

3D Graphics allow companies to create virtual situations, objects, environments and a combination of these which can be viewed from any angle and can be made to operate and move as they would in the real world.  For example, 3D Modelling and Motion Graphics allow a company to show a product before it has been built, or to create or re-create a situation or environment which may not be possible in reality due to cost, risk, or safety concerns.  3D Graphics can allow an accurate working virtual model to be built which lets all interested parties clearly visualise it, and therefore gain a true understanding of it in context..........

...............For example, for  components or combinations of moving parts, design flaws can be spotted, and rectified at this stage thus saving the time and expense of making and rectifying mistakes in the real world.  This can be particularly valuable to SMEs which may have limited R & D resources and budgets and for whom mistakes could be particularly costly.  3D Models and Motion Graphics can also have data attached to and gained from them which could in manufacturing situations for example lead to more accurate machining, and assist down the line in scheduling and budgeting.

3D Motion Graphics is a new and dynamic way of presenting. It also has the edge over other media when it comes to simplifying the understating of complex interactions and relationships, ideas and concepts, and where something involves lots of technical or scientific information.  Being able to accurately and realistically see, experience and perceive how objects look, move, turn, and interact with each other in different situations, and from different angles can save time, money and provide a much deeper understanding of the subject.

A Realistic Option for SMEs

Producing 3D Motion Graphics can in many cases take the same amount of time as producing appropriate 2D communications, but the 3D Motion Graphics have more uses and can be easily incorporated into many different types and channels of communications, thus making them very cost effective over time.  In addition to the superior flexibility of 3D Motion Graphics, as Marshall McLuhan said “the medium is the message” and a company’s target audiences may perceive greater value in the message, and the company brand itself where 3D motion graphics are used.

For more information about how your organisation could benefit from 3D Motion Graphics call Pauley Interactive on 01908 522532 or contact us online.